
Keeping Woodmoor VALUABLE

In 1971 the developers of Woodmoor filed a Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions with El Paso County “for the purpose of protecting the value and desirability” of our community. These stipulations have served WIA for over 50 years, regulating many aspects of what owners must do, and must not do, in using their Woodmoor property.

In 1995, the state passed the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (CCIOA) which defined how covenant-protected communities shall interpret their Covenants and keep them contemporary. This led to the development of Woodmoor’s Rules and Regulations, the document which guides the covenant enforcement activity of the WIA .

The Woodmoor Board of Directors encourages you to become familiar with Woodmoor Covenants and the associated Rules and Regulations (Parts I, II, III and the Project Design Standards Manual, Part V) as soon as possible. Copies of these documents can be downloaded at the bottom of this page or on the Documents page.

Governance Frequently Asked Questions

What Should I Do About My Neighbor's Barking Dogs?

Animal complaints must be reported to Woodmoor Public Safety at (719) 499-9771 during active nuisance behavior, so that the complaint may be verified. If the complaint is verified, WPS will typically issue a violation notice on-site. Two violations of the same type within a six (6) month period will result in an automatic hearing. Pictures or videos are not considered appropriate means of verification.

Residents with more complex pet complaints may be referred to direct their concerns to the Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region at (719) 473-1741.


Trailers/RVs are prohibited in Woodmoor, and are only permitted to be in the driveway for seventy-two (72) hours. Off-drive storage/parking of a trailer is strictly prohibited.

Residents experiencing extenuating circumstances, and needing additional time to relocate a trailer, may visit the office during normal business hours, and apply for a temporary permit for up to ten (10) days. However, once a violation notice has been issued for a trailer, a permit will not be granted.

Up to four (4) currently licensed motor vehicles are permitted to be parked in the driveway (not on the street). Residents are encouraged to utilize their enclosed garage(s) for vehicle parking.

Parking off the driveway (on the grass/forest floor or the street/cul-de-sac) is strictly prohibited. Commercial vehicles are strictly prohibited.

Violations are complaint-driven. Not all complaints come from a neighbor, they may come from a realtor trying to sell a home nearby, people passing through the area (i.e. on their way to work or the golf course), a WIA staff member, or a WIA Board member. Sources of complaints are kept confidential. If you would like to report a potential violation, you can use our online form.

Woodmoor Public Safety does not report covenant violations as their main priority is resident safety, and they do not want a resident to be so afraid of receiving a covenant violation that they do not call WPS for help.

Governance Structure

WIA Governance Structure

Governance Process

It is important for all residents of Woodmoor to understand and respect the WIA Governance process. Within the process are checks and balances to discourage false reporting of incidents. Additionally, WPS is not actively involved in reporting violations so no resident is hesitant to solicit the assistance of WPS.

Governance / Covenants

Popular Documents

BOD Meeting Agendas

BOD Meeting Minutes

Financial / Insurance /HOA

Have a Question?

Let us know, we are happy to help!

Lake Woodmoor from the Deck at The Woodmoor Barn Community Center