Architectural Control

Keeping Woodmoor BEAUTIFUL

Architectural Control is key in keeping Woodmoor looking beautiful and maintaining a uniformity and balance to our neighborhood. The ACC committee reviews and approves exterior home maintenance and improvement projects, new housing starts, major modifications, and several hundred home improvement projects each year. With resident input, the committee generates guidelines for construction permits, sports courts, storage sheds, tree houses, elevated play structures, new fences, and home additions.

2024 ACC Meetings

January 9th & 23rd
July 9th & 23rd
February 13th & 27th
August 13th & 27th
March 12th & 26th
September 10th & 24th
April 9th & 23rd
October 8th & 22nd
May 14th & 28th
November 12th & 26th
June 11th & 25th
December 10th

Meeting Location: 1691 Woodmoor Drive

The deadline for submission of miscellaneous projects for review by the ACC is one (1) week before the scheduled meeting. Major Modifications and New Construction projects require submission two (2) weeks before the scheduled ACC meeting. If your request requires notification to be made to neighboring properties, your application needs to be submitted a minimum of two (2) weeks before the meeting date.

ACC Frequently Asked Questions

When Do I Need ACC Approval for a Project?

Pursuant to the WIA covenants, any modification to the exterior of your residence requires approval from the Architectural Control Committee (“ACC”). Depending on your project, many project applications can be approved by the ACC Administrator in the office, without going to ACC Committee.

You can submit a Miscellaneous Project Application using our online form.

The ACC assesses fees on projects to recoup the costs associated with the Administrator having to do inspections and the amount of paperwork and follow up required to process applications for the Committee. There are two (2) types of fees assessed; Administrative Fees and Compliance fee deposits. Most of the projects approved by the Administrator in the office have NO fees.

Generally, if a project is required to go to the ACC, then it will usually have a required fee and compliance deposit.

Compliance deposits are required by the ACC to ensure that projects are completed to the specifications approved by the ACC and to ensure that projects are completed promptly.

Remember, Compliance Deposits are 100% refundable if a project is completed correctly and within the prescribed time frame.

Woodmoor allows split rail, dowel, or slipboard fencing only. There are also restrictions on the placement of fences, height, and painting of fences. More information is available at the WIA office or here on our website.

meet the current Architectural Control Committee

The WIA ACC Members


ACC Member / Director

Ed has served on the ACC for over 19 years. He has also served on the Board of Directors as Director of Covenants and Director of Forestry.


ACC Member

Steven was recently appointed to the ACC. He has been a Woodmoor resident since 2003.


ACC Member

Mark has served on the ACC since 2009 and was a former member of the Board of Directors.


ACC Member

John has served on the ACC since 2021. He has been a Woodmoor resident since 1993.


ACC Member

Mike has served on the ACC since 2018 and has lived in Woodmoor since 1986.


ACC Member

Lisa has served on the ACC since 2022. She has lived in Woodmoor since 2020.


ACC Member

Jay has served on the ACC since 2022. He has lived in Woodmoor since 2020.

Architectural Control

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Lake Woodmoor