Woodmoor Developments

Proposed and upcoming Developments

Below are the current and upcoming developments in Woodmoor. All matters concerning the re-zoning and the building density of the properties are governed by the El Paso County Planning Commission and the El Paso County Commissioners. The best contact link for questions and/or comments about any proposed developments is https://epcdevplanreview.com/.  This contains links to all the documents the developer has submitted, including traffic and drainage reports. Subject to the provisions of the KAB-Pankey agreement, the WIA Architectural Control Committee can still render decisions that apply the covenants, the PDSM, and the Rules and Regulations to the properties.

North Bay

A 7.13-acre parcel of land located between The Cove and Autumn Way on the north end of Lake Woodmoor.  Originally platted for 84 townhomes of similar design to The Cove. The North Bay development proposal is for 35 luxury townhomes on the site. North Bay is owned by the Lake Woodmoor Development Corporation, a subsidiary of La Plata Communities.  This property is part of the KAB Pankey lawsuit of 1999. JM Weston Homes is the proposed builder of the townhomes for this property.  It is anticipated that infrastructure construction will begin sometime in 2024/25.


Approximately 15 acres of land located between The Barn and The Cove along Woodmoor Drive and Deer Creek Road makes up Waterside.  Currently platted for 82 townhomes, the Waterside development proposal is for 52 luxury townhomes on the site.  Waterside is owned by the Lake Woodmoor Development Corporation, a subsidiary of La Plata Communities.  This property is part of the KAB Pankey lawsuit of 1999. JM Weston Homes is the proposed builder of the townhomes for this property.  It is anticipated that infrastructure construction may begin sometime in 2024/25. 

KAB-Panky Agreement

A 1999 court-ordered agreement between WIA and the (then) owners of The Dunes, The Beach, The Cove, and Waterside.  This agreement vacated the 1971 covenants on these properties and set forth guidelines for the development of the properties.  Like the 1971 WIA covenants, the KAB-Pankey agreement is binding to the properties and survives ownership transfer of the properties.  The WIA and La Plata Communities have been in negotiations over covenant control of each of these properties but cannot change the terms of the agreement without the consent of the WIA Board of Directors and the owners of the properties.

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Lake Woodmoor