All residents of Woodmoor, as part of their membership in the Woodmoor Improvement Association, have common ownership in the common areas of Woodmoor. The common areas were deeded to the Woodmoor Improvement Association by the original developers of Woodmoor and are a great asset to our beautiful community.
The Woodmoor Common Areas are open for the use and enjoyment of all Woodmoor residents. As funds and volunteer effort permit, improvements will be added to the Woodmoor Commons, while still maintaining their natural environments. Your Woodmoor Improvement Association welcomes all who want to help protect and preserve these most important assets of Woodmoor. As a reminder, pets must be on a leash or other positive control and please be a good neighbor and clean up after your pet.
Woodmoor Common Areas are open to all Woodmoor residents and their guests. Because we are not a gated community, all of the roads within Woodmoor are public roads, so anyone is allowed to drive on them. As such, it is difficult to know who is and who is not a resident. If you see suspicious activity at any Common Area, you are asked to contact Woodmoor Public Safety immediately.
All maintenance of Common Areas is performed by Woodmoor Improvement Association. Maintenance includes mowing, noxious weed spraying, forest fire mitigation, equipment and trail maintenance and stocking of ponds with fish (where applicable).
Woodmoor stocks Wild Duck Pond on Winding Meadows Way and Lower Twin Pond at Twin Ponds off of Hidden Springs Glen. Normally, we stock both ponds with approximately 25 trout, 2 carp, and 1000 minnows. The ecosystems in the ponds has developed to the point where the minnows are self-sustaining from one season to the next. The trout and the carp are usually fished out before the first freeze of the season.
Because Woodmoor is private property and is not subject to state licensing requirements you do not need a license to fish in the ponds. Rules and regulations about fishing are available at the WIA office or on our website.
Common Area maps are available at the WIA office, free of charge, during regular office hours. Each common area is shown below along with its location. Most Common Areas are designated by a sign.
Foxes, coyotes, raccoons, deer, bear and occasionally mountain lions and other small mammals are all a natural part of our ecosystem in Woodmoor. The most important thing to remember is that under no circumstances should residents feed wildlife or encourage interactions with humans. Residents should also keep trash receptacles in a secured, closed location at all times except at the designated trash pickup time. If you observe an injured animal, it is best to let nature take its course. But, if you observe a threatening or aggressive animal, please contact WPS at (719) 499-9771 for immediate assistance. For more information on coexisting with wildlife, refer to the literature provided from the Colorado Parks and Wildlife and WIA’s Coyote Wildlife Plan below in the WPS Document Section.