The WIA Board of Directors is comprised of volunteer Woodmoor property owners who are nominated and elected by fellow owners. Each member serves a three-year term. Woodmoor owners depend on these volunteers, who dedicate their time and expertise, to ensure that the association fulfills its governing documents, and maintains, protects, and preserves the community and its common areas in a manner that protects and enhances each Woodmoor owner’s property values.
To become a WIA Board Member, you must be a resident in good standing. Often it is helpful to attend a Board meeting and speak with a current Board Member to learn about the responsibilities and time commitments required of the position. Applications are due by November 15th of each year for the election which takes place in January at the Annual Meeting. Interested candidates should fill out a nomination form.
In most cases, a WIA staff member can answer any of your questions. If the staff cannot help you with your questions, please contact the appropriate Board member at their email address, which is located in their biographies below. If you want a call from a Board member, the staff will take your information and pass it on to the appropriate Board member, who will then contact you directly. The staff is not permitted to give out the Board members’ phone numbers.
Yes, all WIA Board of Director meetings are open to the public. Board meetings are held the fourth Wednesday of each month (except November and December – please check the WIA calendar for the exact date) at 7 pm in The Barn.