Board of Directors

Keeping Woodmoor on TRACK

The WIA Board of Directors is comprised of volunteer Woodmoor property owners who are nominated and elected by fellow owners. Each member serves a three-year term. Woodmoor owners depend on these volunteers, who dedicate their time and expertise, to ensure that the association fulfills its governing documents, and maintains, protects, and preserves the community and its common areas in a manner that protects and enhances each Woodmoor owner’s property values.

BOD Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Become a Board Member?

To become a WIA Board Member, you must be a resident in good standing. Often it is helpful to attend a Board meeting and speak with a current Board Member to learn about the responsibilities and time commitments required of the position. Applications are due by November 15th of each year for the election which takes place in January at the Annual Meeting. Interested candidates should fill out a nomination form.

In most cases, a WIA staff member can answer any of your questions. If the staff cannot help you with your questions, please contact the appropriate Board member at their email address, which is located in their biographies below. If you want a call from a Board member, the staff will take your information and pass it on to the appropriate Board member, who will then contact you directly. The staff is not permitted to give out the Board members’ phone numbers.

Yes, all WIA Board of Director meetings are open to the public. Board meetings are held the fourth Wednesday of each month (except November and December – please check the WIA calendar for the exact date) at 7 pm in The Barn.

meet the current BOD

The WIA Board of Directors



Brian has been a resident of Woodmoor since 2002. His legal background will be a great asset to WIA. He values and appreciates the Woodmoor community and believes strongly that we should both preserve and improve our community.

Term expires 2028


Vice President

Peter and his family moved from Denver to Woodmoor in 1999 because they loved this area for its beauty, charm, and privacy. Peter has a background in Sales, IT, and cyber security. Peter joined the WIA Board to do his part in keeping the neighborhood safe while maintaining the lifestyle that he loves here in Woodmoor.

Term expires 2027



Pete is a Colorado native and has been a resident of Woodmoor since 2015 when he and his family moved back to Colorado after a 26-year Air Force career. He currently works fo Boeing Digital Aviation overseeing their US DOD business. Pete and his wife chose to live in Woodmoor for the beauty and unique benefits that the community offers. He believes that we should continue to smartly modernize and improve our community while preserving the beauty and benefits that make Woodmoor such a great place to live.

Term expires 2026


Secretary & Director of Community Outreach

Rick and his family moved to Woodmoor in 2015. Rick had a 30-year career in the waste and recycling industry with the three largest national companies. Now that work demands have diminished, Rick wants to contribute to maintaining and improving our great community.

Term expires 2026

Jennifer Davis

Director of Covenant Control

Term expires 2028

Jason Hann

Director of Forestry

Term expires 2028


Director of Common Areas

Steve and his wife are Colorado natives and have lived in Woodmoor since 2003. He recently retired after a 29-year career with a Fortune 500 company. He has a fondness for the area, the open space, and the people who live here. Steve would like to work with others to keep the community's prestige and to build off what we already have.

Term expires 2027


Director of Public Safety

For the past 13 years, Brad has worked in the public safety field. He has served as a Public Information Officer, a member of the Incident Dispatch Team, and several other positions. Brad's desire to serve on the WIA Board ultimately stems from his passion for the community in which he plans to reside for many years to come.

Term expires 2026


Director of Architectural Control

Ed moved to Colorado in 1993 to work in the IT industry. He has been active in Woodmoor ever since including serving on the ACC for 23 years and assisting with covenants and Firewise. Ed holds a Bachelor's Degree in both Forestry Science and Computer Science from Penn State University and a Master's Degree in Computer Science from Florida Institute of Technology. He enjoys donating his free time to our community and looks forward to helping to improve the health and quality of the forest in Woodmoor.

Term expires 2027

Board of Directors

Helpful Documents

BOD Meeting Agendas

BOD Meeting Minutes

Have a Question?

Let us know, we are happy to help!

Woodmoor Improvement Association