Dead trees – There has been a high mortality rate within the trees in Woodmoor over the past several months. This could be due to insects, disease, or environmental stress. Please remove any dead trees from your lot, as we want to stop the spread of insects/disease, as well as preventing fire danger. If you have questions about your trees, please contact Matthew at to schedule a Forestry visit.
Tall grass/weeds – The WIA is in the process of having all Common Areas mowed. The contractor is scheduled to be done with mowing by July 4th.
Please reduce the height of your fine fuels (grasses/weeds) to below 9 inches (El Paso County Code). After July 4th, the WIA will be issuing violations to residents who have not yet mowed their properties. We are concerned with people parking over tall grasses, which could start a fire, as well as cigarettes and other sources of ignition lighting tall grasses on fire.
July 10th Chipping Day – The next Chipping Day is July 10th from 9 am to 4 pm in the southeast corner of the Lewis Palmer High School parking lot (by the baseball field). Please do not line up more than 15 minutes early. Please click here for more details. On the flyer is a list of what is NOT acceptable. If you arrive with unacceptable items, you will be turned away.
Please click here for proper loading instructions, as this will affect your wait time.