The second Chipping Day is this Saturday, July 11th from 9 am to 4 pm at Lewis Palmer High School in the south parking lot by the baseball field.
WIA Chipping Day wait time is directly affected by the way the brush is loaded on the truck and trailer. The June chipping event had a large number of loads that took a disproportionate amount of time to unload due to the style of loading, leading to a long wait time. Please follow the below guide to reduce wait time. Please call 719-488-2693 x 4 with questions.
- Place all branches/brush/slash butt end (large end) towards the back of the truck or trailer. Please keep them all in the same approximate line/orientation. This facilitates removing the brush in one large unit.
- Place larger pieces of brush on the bottom of the load. This facilitates removal of the brush in one unit. Pile smaller pieces on top of the larger pieces.
- Do not load branches crossed at 90 degree angles, stuck vertically through the top, or otherwise out of plane. This makes unloading difficult and time consuming.